Twitter Reacts to Coinbase's Surprise Ethereum Classic News

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Some members of the crypto community were surprised Tuesday when the U.S.-based exchange startup Coinbase announced that it plans to list ethereum classic.

Amidst the social conversation, some tried to draw a connection between the ETC listing and the fact that, to date, the exchange hasn't added support for the cryptocurrency XRP. Back in April, Bloomberg(https://www.

This is the dead sea, the saltiest place on earth, second only to the XRP community after coinbase decided to add ETC. pic.

On the other hand, those supportive of the token and Ripple's efforts struck optimistic tones as the story spread. Coinbase plans to add a single coin.

We don't need coinbase, and coinbase will not push up your XRP to the moon alright.

Don't be outraged like "Fuck" coinbase or deleting the app.

XRP have a usecase, be adding on coinbase will be a shame for me.

Rumour has it that one of Kim Jong Un's conditions for denuclearization was Coinbase adding $ETC. - Emptybeerbottle June 12, 2018.

Doesn't matter if you like $ETC or not, Coinbase adding more coins is bullish for Crypto.

Coinbase is one of the biggest fiat to Crypto Ramps in the whole world of Crypto right now, and this is bullish for Crypto overall.
