EEA Aims to Standardize Blockchain Implementation With New Enterprise Ethereum Architecture Stack

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The Enterprise Ethereum Alliance has announced the release of a new Enterprise Ethereum Architecture Stack that is set to standardize the specifications of Ethereum enterprise solutions, assisting organizations in developing Ethereum-based solutions.

The new architecture stack, released on May 2nd, is designed to streamline the process of creating enterprise blockchain solutions, eliminating the need to build in-house enterprise-friendly implementations or engage third-party developers to create private-permissioned Enterprise Ethereum applications.

The release of the Enterprise Ethereum Architecture Stack is a major step forward for the alliance, and could potentially function as the first element of an interoperability-focused set of standards that dramatically accelerates the adoption of blockchain technology in the enterprise space.

The Hyperledger project is closer to EEA Enterprise Ethereum Architecture Stack in nature, with the Hyperledger Fabric project aiming to create a permission blockchain infrastructure that can be deployed in a modular manner by enterprise organizations.

The new Enterprise Ethereum Architecture Stack appears to extend beyond the development of use case specific solutions or the implementation of blockchain technology specifically for finance or commerce.

"With the public release of the stack, the EEA is on its way to delivering a world-class standards-based specification for Enterprise Ethereum solutions with a TestNet and certification program to follow. The EEA's standards-based approach enables enterprises to deliver a superior customer experience and create new, and innovative solutions. Plus, having multiple vendors of choice will likely mean competition will drive down costs."

The Enterprise Ethereum Alliance new architecture stack consists of five tiers, with a peer-to-peer protocol layer at the base with a core blockchain layer on top, which manages transactions, consensus, and both on and off chain data storage.

The stack provides a clear delineation of the building blocks required to create the "Next-generation of Enterprise Ethereum applications," establishing a clear framework that can be used to develop and implement blockchain based smart contract capable apps.

The development of a set of standards-based specification specifically designed to streamline enterprise Ethereum integration could significantly boost blockchain adoption, making it easier for enterprise organizations to integrate distributed ledger technology in a cost-effective manner.

"In the near future, Ethereum developers will use the specification to write code that will enable interoperability, motivating enterprise customers to select EEA specification-based solutions over proprietary offerings."
