Analysis of active addresses: Bitcoin, XRP, Dash, and Dogecoin see major growth

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A recent comparison from Coinmetrics showed that Bitcoin, Dogecoin, Dash, and Ripple have seen a significant increase in the number of active addresses.

Active addresses a good metric to measure coin popularity.

According to LongHash, one of the best ways to measure a coin's popularity is to consider the number of active wallet addresses on its blockchain.

Ceteris Paribus, a well-known Twitter account focused on cryptoanalysis, compared the number of active addresses of Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Dogecoin, Bitcoin Cash, Dash, NEO, and XRP.Crypto analyst compares the number of active addresses for top coins.

The tweet compared the 30-day average number of active addresses for each of these coins from May 14, 2018, to May 14, 2019.

According to the data gathered from Coinmetrics, Bitcoin had 633,000 active addresses last year, followed by Ethereum's 366,000.

Ripple came in last, with just over 6,000 active addresses.

Fast forward to May 14 this year, and Bitcoin is, unsurprisingly, still in the lead. The world's largest cryptocurrency has seen a 20 percent increase in the number of active addresses on its network.

NEO, the blockchain network dubbed "Chinese Ethereum," saw the largest losses, with active addresses on the network dropping 70 percent from 11,000 in May 2018, to just 3,000 May this year.

The network saw a 58 percent increase in the number of active addresses and went from 46,000 to over 74,000 in a single year.
