RippleNet Builds New Network Reaching 40 Countries

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Travel takes time and energy, but that doesn't mean intercontinental transactions should too, and yesterday's announcement that Ripple's RippleNet is going live in 40 countries is setting a new standard among competitors.

RippleNet is now connecting clients without borders across North America, Asia, Africa, Europe and South America.

The innovative Ripple platform, traditionally associated with governing enterprise trade, also reveals distribution in a different light.

According to Marcus Treacher, SVP of Customer Success at Ripple, the expansion has multiple benefits.

RippleNet suggests a solution for banks to leverage technology while also offering a hand-up to small businesses, large remittances and individuals in need.

Much of Ripple's success is relying heavily on the pre-release of its new product xRapid.

American Express is currently affiliated with RippleNet, while others are predicted to take advantage of the platform's average 60 percent savings related to processing fees.

Perhaps the most encouraging trait of this growing ecosystem is that, while the varied communities of beneficiaries are often governed independently, the organic nature of Ripple and xRapid builds communities instead of building walls.

Cryptocurrency is the seed, blockchain is the root and RippleNet is the blossoming reach of evolution.

Transferring on-demand liquidity to emerging markets is the efficient, and responsible, option RippleNet is offering-one country at a time.
