Mike Butcher of TechCrunch: It Is up to the Industry to Get Its Own House in Order

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Mike Butcher, an editor-at-large of TechCrunch is a pioneer of the tech and journalism industries.

Catherine Ross: Does the crypto space really resemble the beginning of the tech market? There's been a lot of comparison to the 'dotcom' bubble.

Previously, in sort of mid-nineties [sic], in order to be able to work in the internet space, you had to raise proper, real money.

CR: Do you think the crypto industry is similar to the derivatives market?

In his speech at BlockShow in Berlin entitled 'Disinformation Can Kill Crypto,' Mike stressed the importance of creating the 'trust' toward the industry or "The public will return to centralized systems."

CR: You talked about the danger of disinformation in the space, mentioning that it's very important to build content platforms that people can trust.

It is up to the industry to get its own house in order.

CR: You have obviously visited a lot of events and have met a lot of people from the [crypto] industry.

I mean, if you take blockchain projects, they remind me of early internet space with developers coming up with the fascinating new ideas, and you have got that sort of people much more involved in the crypto [industry].

All the staff [are] familiar with the start up space.
