Justin Sun Draws Heat From Tron Fans for Waffling on Promised Prizes

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Tron founder Justin Sun stirred up controversy this week by promising to give away a Tesla to one lucky Twitter follower who retweeted his post.

Sun promptly followed up with tweets claiming there was a glitch in the selection process.

Sun would try again with a live video to select a new winner, following a process previously tested with a giveaway in China on the social network Weibo.

Instead of the Tesla, Sun offered the thwarted contestant a free ticket to the next Tron conference in 2020.

The original tweet on March 12 promised this car giveaway was only the beginning, adding that Sun also planned to give away $20 million in a "Free cash airdrop."

"This is a Justin initiative, not Tron or BitTorrent. This is Justin personally offering his Twitter fans a chance to win a car."

Regardless of the source of funds, this isn't the first time Sun or the Tron Foundation have been accused of failing to keep their promises to competition winners.

In December 2018, the Tron Foundation sponsored a Tron Accelerator hackathon where the top 56 teams were promised cash rewards totaling $1 million.

Edwards said there ended up being so many high-quality submissions that Sun decided to give "Less money" to "More winners."

An official Tron Foundation blog post in January 2019 announcing the winners - which doesn't mention Sun nor an increased jackpot - stated that 113 projects were selected in the end to share the original $1 million in prizes.
