Interview with Jelurida Director Lior Yaffe on the state of Nxt, Ardor, Ignis and what's in store for the future of blockchain

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About a handful of topics including the current state of Jelurida's blockchain technology and why a developer should consider Ardor over Ethereum.

I got hooked up to Nxt - a small open source project which represented the first pure proof of stake blockchain and had many technical innovations that were way ahead of its time.

LY: Jelurida was established by the developers of Nxt the first pure proof of stake blockchain, which is still operational today after more than six years.

Ardor mainnet was launched in January 2018 and together with its first child chain Ignis and additional child chains represent the first hybrid public/permissioned blockchain technology to date.

What are the benefits of using Ardor as opposed to other Ethereum or other blockchain platforms?

LY: Let's face it, the single blockchain single token model introduced by Bitcoin cannot scale on-chain.

Using our products you can encrypt and store data in the blockchain and even share it securely with a 3rd party but you cannot base your consensus on encrypted data.

Max Property Group, who has a child chain on Ardor, are going through the final steps of getting regulatory approval from the Dutch Financial Regulators to launch their international real estate crowdfunding platform on blockchain technology.

Do you have any blockchain and/or crypto predictions for 2020 and beyond?

Telegram will finally launch a blockchain product that wouldn't come close to the fantasy product they described in their whitepaper.
