Apple CryptoKit for iOS 13 suggests full cryptocurrency wallets are coming to iPhone

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Apple has announced "CryptoKit," a new framework that will allow developers to perform cryptographic operations securely and efficiently.

The kit was quietly revealed on Apple's website but is scheduled to be unveiled at the Worldwide Developers Conference on June 5.Apple will introduce CryptoKit in the newest OS. With Apple's Worldwide Developer Conference currently underway, all eyes are pointed at the latest version of iPhone's operating system.

Amidst the media frenzy, Apple has quietly released another important update for iOS 13-CryptoKit.

According to Apple, CryptoKit will provide developers with a new framework for cryptographic functionality.

Frederic Jacobs, a member of Apple's cryptographic and security engineering team, said CryptoKit was an advanced and efficient interface that will allow users to perform various cryptographic operations.

Viktor Radchenko, the founder of TrustWallet, said Apple's newest addition to iOS 13 means it could have full hardware wallet functionality in the future.

Apple announced CryptoKit for iOS 13, only a few steps away before you can turn your phone into a hardware wallet.

The launch of CryptoKit coincided with information leaking out about Apple incorporating Bitcoin's symbol on their icon set.

Apple seems to be following the initiative Samsung has taken with integrating cryptocurrencies into their devices.

With rumors spreading that the company is also planning to integrate crypto payments into Samsung Pay, it seems that Apple has stepped up its game when it comes to cryptocurrency adoption.
